Image search results - "HR1" |

Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia)1527 views

Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)1644 views

Brambald Milene (Talesof Phantasia)1470 views

Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)1481 views

Hasta Ekstermi (Tales of Innocence/Innocence R)1180 views

Jay the Unseen (Tales of Legendia)1016 views

Ange Serena (Tales of Innocence/Innocence R)1273 views

Emeraude (Tales of Graces/Graces f)1847 views

Kongwai Tao (Tales of Innocence R)1039 views

Poisson (Tales of Graces/Graces f)1266 views

Richard (Tales of Graces/Graces f)1330 views

Arche Klaine (Tales of Phantasia)1204 views

Suzu Fujibayashi (Tales of Phantasia)956 views

Van Grants (Tales of the Abyss)1036 views

Anise Tatlin (Tales of the Abyss)1010 views

Rowen J. Ilbert (Tales of Xillia)893 views

Chloe Valens (Tales of Legendia)1391 views

Pascal (Tales of Graces/Graces f)1300 views

Spada Belforma (Tales of Innocence/Innocence R)885 views

Asch the Bloody (Tales of the Abyss)1250 views