AC Weigh-in Special: Tales of Arise Demo Review

Here's the team and their thoughts on the demo

While we wait for the full game to come out, here's the AC Staff and their thoughts on the recently released Tales of Arise demo!

While we wait for the much awaited Tales of Arise to come out, here is what the AC staff has to say with the current available demo on PlayStation! Apologies for the delay on this! We got early codes of the demo thanks to Bandai Namco Entertainment America, and we spent a lot of time (more than necessary, haha), playing the demo.

We'll have our own review of the full game soon! In the meantime, let's dive into the demo!

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Graphics and Visuals


Damn, okay. So the graphics are beautiful. The whole painted-effect style Tales of Arise has going on makes it look like you're walking through a really beautiful painting. Granted, I do want to see if the same effect will hold in, for example, places that are supposed to look like castles or somewhat modernized. But this effect really works well with Elde Menancia, the place where the demo is held in, mainly because of the amount of foliage. The characters look amazing in their own right, as well, although we don't really get to see much of the improved facial expressions that Bandai Namco has been bragging about.

I played using the PS5, and there's an option to optimize framerate vs optimize graphics. I don't know if it's just my TV, but personally I didn't see much difference between the two modes, even if I was somewhat -acceptably- near my TV while playing.

If there was one thing I'd complain about, maybe it's the no holds barred use of particle effects during battles? There were a couple of times where I couldn't see my character because everyone was using spells and flashy attacks, to the point of almost blinding.


The graphics are breathtaking, full stop. Right out the gate, the environment immerses you and I found myself stopping multiple times to angle the camera around just to take it all in. The usage of vivid colors against pastel backdrops to denote spatial distance make for perfect eye candy (that and Dohalim, ayyy), and even small details such as the party's idle animations, passing clouds, local vegetation, etc. fit seamlessly together. The characters all have that typical Tales charm in their expressions and mannerisms even in the absence of 2D art, and I found it surprisingly easy to get accustomed to despite my initial hesitation.

As a PS4 player, I did notice that there was a bit of delay in loading assets but nothing too jarring. My main complaint, however, lies in the UI—although everything has been streamlined and is easy to read with larger fonts, battles and skits just feel oddly cluttered. The move to comic book-style skits with added movement utilizing the whole screen works surprisingly well (especially since it can easily reflect costumes and attachments) but the subtitles seem gaudily tacked on, often at a cost to the intended dynamism. During battles, my eyes were constantly bouncing all over the screen to try to glean vital (literally!) information. This could easily be solved by consolidating the characters’ boost attack images next to their respective HP bars for a quick visual cue. As I could not track the controlled character’s HP bar and allies’ HP bars with one glance, I found myself lying flat on my back more times than I care to admit.

Caphi What can I say at this point? We've known the game looks stunning and now we've finally seen it on our own screens. The demo area shows a good variety of terrain and civilization. In combat, the spells and artes all look fantastic. The menu interface is slick and the HUDs are nice and uncluttered (occasionally to a fault). If Arise is absolutely nothing else, it could be a solid foundation for the next generation of Tales on this alone.
Flamzeron Visually, the game is stunning! As soon as I started playing, I was taken aback by the fidelity of the game's look. The colors were vibrant, though they did look a little more saturated than they needed to. That may be due to the kind of TV I was using and my general set up for playing. I also noticed that textures and some smaller things in the game would either be loaded in as I got close to them or loaded in at a lower polycount. I played the demo on PS4 and plan to play the PS4 version, though this demo gave me the impression that we may be expected, or at least encouraged, to play the game on next-gen consoles, such as PS5 and Xbox Series X. Even though I was playing on what is technically now older hardware (I'm on the base, first model PS4,) the game ran and looked great. I particularly loved seeing the lighting detail in Alphen's armor. I was legitimately surprised at that level of detail! Very beautiful demo!
Pássaro I think the visuals look great. I played the demo on a base PS4 and was surprised at the vibrancy of the colors in the environment. The only noticeable issue was drastic pop-in, but I am unsure how the demo ran on other models or the PS5.
Khayyaam The graphics are certainly inproved off of Tales of Zestiria and Berseria, utilizing the new engine to its fullest. There's no lighting issues, environments, characters and creatures are properly vibrant without being limited in color scheme. You can clearly make each element of the game out too, there's no mistaking enemies or NPCs as part of the background. However, text can be fairly small at times, even on a big screen...
Kurani17 • Even on a base PS4, the game runs mostly smoothly (some frame slow downs during intense fights) and looks gorgeous. I intend to play the full game on PS5 and/or PC, so I'll be able to take advantage of even faster loading and probably less pop-in on the field.
• Character models look nice and battle animations are good. They manage to make flowy clothing like Shionne's and Dohalim's work in motion, which is impressive.
• Environments and battles are full of vibrant colors, while still retaining a consistent art style throughout.

Battle Controls


I am not the best person to assess battle controls in a game series where I'm always on Semi Auto and tend to just button mash, but let's see. I think one of the most prominent gripes about battle is the use of the R1 button for main attack. I really did not get used to it - to the point where I kind of switched the Jump (Circle) and Attack buttons. That said, I don't really find anything else that daunting. Combos with aerial artes are easily executable for all characters, even the magician types. I also wish there was more information during the demo tutorial. Like, imagine my surprise while controlling Law when suddenly, here comes Alphen in Over Limit with his Mystic Arte. Took me a while (and a lot of asking other players) to figure out exactly how to activate the thing. Hopefully the full game wouldn't be so in the dark.

CP I tend to just FORGET it exists. I know there's an indicator and whatnot but I just really forget, like, suddenly I'm wondering why everyone is just DYING and no one is healing, then I look at my close to zero CP and go "Ohhh..."

Although, I do really like the use of Boost Attacks and Boost Strikes. The Boost Attacks make you think on a good strategy against specific types of monsters, as well as how to time them. Boost Strikes are also very pretty, but seem to be necessary to end a fight faster - and they get old, fast.

Kiki Barring the whiplash at being thrown into controls that did not seem very intuitive at first, battles ended up being relatively fun after surmounting the initial learning curve. R1 for normal attacks threw me for a loop, almost to the point where I considered changing the default setup (something I rarely, if ever, do). Multiple times did I end up smashing the wrong button, and found myself either leaning too heavily on artes and forgetting to use R1 or vice versa. As a full disclaimer, I consider myself far removed from the combo buffs out there, but when I started to get used to the controls (which I am positive the full game will ease us into!) and, ahem, actually read the field guide, using boost attacks and character perks for tactical advantages in addition to switching out characters mid-fight to maintain aggro started to become an interesting challenge. In fact, it reminded me of Tales of Innocence with elements of other entries thrown in. “Big Red” (my endearing term for the gigant zeugle known as “Relentless Charger”) may have bested me the first time but I eventually emerged the victor, hah!

My first few combats, I was overwhelmed because everything was so different and the demo dumps it all on you at once. But once I eventually understand its parts and rhythm, Arise opened itself up magnificently. The characters are all flexible, but distinct, and swapping them is super smooth. You can rearrange your party in combat and even have dead members retreat, which is very convenient.

As a minor note, a couple features weren't in the demo, but that I think will be important, are confirmed in the game. One is that the six inputs for artes will be expanded to 12. The other is a skill that allows characters to dodge while in midair.

Flamzeron Oh boy... We're going into the oven this early? Alright... Combat is a bit awkward. It's fun and all, don't get me wrong, but it seemed to me like they are going for a more streamlined, watered down style of gameplay. This is all well and good, but the controls felt slower and a little stiff. It was like the game wan't me to move fast but also plan my movements carefully. The mappings of both the regular attacks and the artes took some time for me to get used to, and by "time to get used to", I mean I never really did. I spent most of my battles either spamming my artes until I ran out of juice, or spamming the normal attacks. Even when I got into a groove, I would slip back into spam mode and I'd lose focus. The camera made it hard to follow one specific enemy and I found that I had more fun attacking multiple enemies at once. I don't think the game has a lock on feature where the camera follows who you are trying to fight, either. Mind you, this isn't a problem for people who play in Semi-Auto, but I'm a Manual kind of guy. That being said, trying to figure out how to switch to Manual mode was tedious. The menus in general seemed tedious and hard to learn. Maybe I justs didn't have enough time with the demo, but I found myself hitting the wrong buttons several times while trying to open a specific menu. They look simple, at least, so in theory it would be easy to understand, and maybe I'm just a dummy, but I felt like some stuff wasn't very clear about the navigation. Battles themselves looked busy and hard to follow everything. I noticed I did better when I would pretend I was playing solo and tried to carry my own weight more, but it only got me so far. I would never notice my health going down or if my party members were dying. Like, I'd be playing and I'd look in the corner and go "Oh, Shionne died. Crap." Dodging was pretty intuitive for me and enjoyed rolling under my opponent's attack, particularly during the boss with the Mantis guy. I only played as Alphen, with a little bit of Law and Dohalim. I had the most fun with Alphen but that's likely due to how I got used to him. I need more time with Dohalim, but at the moment I am a tad disappointed in how he plays. I think I used the wrong artes. The artes in general seem to be different than in previous games in terms of the kind of attack they are functionally, at least in regards to your movement. I got the impression that I will have to rethink my favorite artes and apply them in this game differently, which is a little bit of a shame. Though as long as Tiger Blade goes up and then down with a little bit of momentum, I'll be satisfied. Though it may not help me in this kind of 3D environment. I can tell thay they are trying to make combat more strategic, and I do think it is more strategic in some areas, but honestly, it just feels watered down. Again, this isn't a bad thing, as I love a good traditional action RPG, but what I loved about the old school Linear Motion Battle System is that in blended action oriented RPG combat with traditional turn based RPG structure. By watering down the combat to be more like Kingdom Hearts or the recent Ys games, I feel like the series may lose a part of itself, if they are not careful. But again, this is not a bad battle system. I want to make that as clear as I can. Honestly, I would much rather the series become a traditional seamless action RPG over the opposite. Perhaps I'm thinking too far ahead? Maybe, but it's what I've taken from my experience with the combat of the demo. Not bad, but seemingly going down a path that could change the series, for better or worse.
Pássaro The controls only took a few rounds of combat to adjust to, specifically the attack button assigned to R1. After a few battles, everyone feels great in combat, though it does feel like there is a lack of "weight" to attacks at times. Either way, the developers did a great job designing the entire cast to have uniqueness and fun in battle.
Khayyaam The default battle controls are a little strange, with one of the face buttons being for jumping and basic attacks relegated to a shoulder button. It's a strange decision that doesn't matter much because controls can be rebinded. Naturally, my suggestion is to put basic attacks on Circle or X, depending on what you're used to in the series and put jump on the shoulder button. I'm still disappointed by the reduced arte slots compared to previous games, and I wish for this to be improved. As for the battles themselves, the penetration stat making it easier to break enemies makes for an interesting new iteration of the classic Iron Stance mechanic that's been around since Destiny 2. My excitement for this mechanic is lessened by the fact that you cannot get a Break on bosses. I wonder what that's all about?
Kurani17 • It took me a little bit to get used to the different control scheme (normal attacks on R1, no blocking button aside from Kisara, circle to jump, etc). I might remap the buttons to make X jump instead in the full game...not sure yet.
• Aside from that, though, battles control very fluidly. I changed the input response time from the default Long to Short, that way I could avoid inputs being buffered too much.
• Being able to manually jump during combat again is great, and you can really stay in the air a long time by mixing normal attacks, artes, and the tag-in moves (Boost Strikes? Boost Attacks?)
• I do wish there was just a tad but more vibration feedback when hitting enemies, but other than that, the controls are great, and the pace of battle is fantastic once you start using all the systems together.

Exploration and Field Controls


Going around the field is okay, a bit more "free" compared to previous games, I guess, but also a bit limiting because sometimes I see a perfectly short ledge and because of the terrain, Alphen can't jump over it? Really? I like that they didn't input some sort of stamina or rest mechanic for sprints (sprint all you like!) and I find having the characters jump from a very, very high place funny.

Regarding camping and cooking - it looked nice having a little camping moment with the characters, and the skit after having Alphen cook chicken is hilarious. Hopefully, there will be more like this. Granted, I did find it a bit similar to a certain recent Final Fantasy game.

You can also forge stuff. To be honest I miss older Tales games where every single item had this little icon or graphic together with it to give you an idea of what something looks like.

Kiki One day I will actually hit the touchpad to bring up the menu instead of the options button. Alas! As a gamer with a slight reputation of dropping everything to pick up shinies, I found the nodes to refresh surprisingly fast—a good sign for cooking and crafting but perhaps a bad sign for me, ehe. Though on the bright side, exploration never felt like a chore with such rich environments (not to mention gathering milk from cows and salmon from fish somehow tickled me in its banality), and the added field actions such as jumping were a nice touch despite the limitations in using them. A final point worth mentioning is the
expansion of on-field banter to incorporate picking up items and opening chests which further showcases the characters’ personalities in a delightful way.

Exploration and gathering is smooth as well. The demo region is open, but not to the point of being empty. Encounters and items are hand-placed in sensical spots, and chests are satisfying to find. Moving and harvesting is smooth, and the map is clean and informative, though I don't know how it'll hold up in more vertical areas.

CP definitely sets the pace of the game. Because CP gels are expensive, running low usually means crawling back to camp. In the demo, I only ran out when picking several fights in a row or when boss fights ran long. However, it remains to be seen how well it's balanced across the game, particularly in dungeons.

CP does have some nice quality of life, though. In addition to using it for spells and field actions (not shown here), you can also just open the menu and spend some to heal your entire party in the field menu. And in place of game overs and save points, losing any combat works like a retreat, letting you spend CP to heal or else get crawling.

Flamzeron Honestly, the field map section of the demo exceeded my expectations. I loved how lively and varied the terrain was in Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria, but Tales of Arise seems to be taking it to a whole new level. From what I could tell, the entire field is still instance-based, meaning instead of a large open field, you are in a smaller section of the field. However, with all the hills and paths and dips in the area with waterfalls, ponds, cliffs, and the like, the field felt much larger than it truthfully is. I had more fun exploring and wandering around than I have in most of the previous Tales games. Not only that, but you can *jump* in this game! I love jumping in games. I spent several minutes hopping over one of the cows in a nearby farm section of the field over and over again. I may have had too much fun while I was there. The scope and detail in the field map makes me feel like I'm going on an epic fantasy quest to fight a dragon or find gold or something. Because of that, I was immersed in the world pretty quickly. I look forward to exploring more when the game comes out!
Pássaro I'm not too big on exploration, so I was not looking for this specifically, but I will say that I thought there were only one or two chests initially. The exploration bug kicked in when I accidentally discovered a weapon for Dohalim under the waterfall. Like a movie, the scene changed to me scouring every corner of the map, looking high and low for whatever goods I may have passed. I already know this habit will carry over to the full game now.
Khayyaam The demo has you exit a cave and then explore a vast field/farmland area. It's certainly more interesting than some recent games! There's also a jump button that works while exploring now, which lets you hop over fences and on top of rocks to expedite platforming. It's not required for the demo areas, but one hopes this means there will be much less flat areas in the full game- perhaps having to jump to traverse hills and valleys? Interestingly enough there's also two ways to run faster. Enemies don't seem to chase you, so I wonder if there's a reason for it besides travelling faster, which is welcome of course.
Kurani17 • The field map is beautiful and while not theoretically that different from how fields were handled in Berseria and Zestiria, the world feels much more alive and less copy paste or barren.
• Lots of elevation differences in the land, plus the ability to jump and swim make it feel a tad more intractable, though obviously not on the level of an action adventure game like Breath of the Wild.
• Picking up items from the field is much more quick and doesn't break the pace like the Xillias, for example.
• All of this ties back to the design philosophy of making a more fluid, interconnected experience that doesn't break pace often.

Lifestyle Features


Regarding camping and cooking - it looked nice having a little camping moment with the characters, and the skit after having Alphen cook chicken is hilarious. Hopefully, there will be more like this. Granted, I did find it a bit similar to a certain recent Final Fantasy game. Camping now also shows all skits, so that's a bonus. It also has "scenes" as well, which just showed the demo trailers, but I have a feeling we'll get to view old cutscenes, hopefully!

You can also forge stuff. To be honest I miss older Tales games where every single item had this little icon or graphic together with it to give you an idea of what something looks like.

Kiki Cooking was a hoot (n-no pun intended?), especially with our resident ARISE bad chef joining the ranks among others renowned for their less-than-ideal cooking in the series. Though the demo did not go into much else aside camping, it is a nice addition that gives off that sense of adventure while also triggering more character driven content. Something particularly noteworthy about the camping is the fact that you can “reminisce” previous skits without having to unlock an area or post-game content—very convenient, I must say. Of course, the post-battle victory screens are sorely missed but I am relieved that the overall amount of character interactions does not suffer for it.

Cooking and crafting in the demo was fairly simplistic, but it had just enough to make me look forward to more advanced recipes and combining materials in different ways. Unfortunately, farming and fishing aren't present here, though fish used for cooking are collectible.

Outside of its gameplay purpose, camping is a great way to relax with the characters. "Reminisce" functions as a skit and movie viewer, which is a huge improvement over having to unlock a postgame area to see old scenes.

Flamzeron In the demo, to my recollection, the only lifestyle features present were camping, cooking, and the skits. The camping part reminded me of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and it seems to be just as essential to healing your party here as well. Having a shopkeeper near the camp fire is a nice bonus as well, especially if you're stuck and need to regroup and get more items. I'm interested in seeing how the placement of the camp fires are going to be in the rest of the game. Camping is also where cooking happens. I didn't think too much of it, though having stat buffs like in the more recent Tales games is helpful. I ended up cooking a meal to increase my defense when fighting a tough boar guy on the field. Because of who I picked to cook the meal, I got a skit out of it, which brings me to the how they were handled in this game. At first, I wasn't too keen on the comic book style with the 3D rendered images, but I got used to it after a while. The banter and charm of the skits were still present even in the style change. While I didn't particularly think much of the Lifestyle Features when they were announced, after playing the demo, I think they will be a lovely addition to my journey through the game.
Pássaro No comment
Khayyaam Despite the lack of a classic style world map, Arise features a return of the camping mechanic, which has been around since PS1 Tales. While it was definitely underutilized to the point that many may not recognize the mechanic, it calls back to Tales of Eternia with skits that happen while camping. This seems to be the only way to fully heal the party in the demo, which seems to suggest we'll be on the look out for many campsites across larger fields in the full game rather than running to the nearest town for an inn.
Kurani17 • It's nice being able to swim on the field map, and the field animations all look quite nice.
• I'm glad cooking is still around, and camping on the field is a nice way to take some time to catch up on skits while you refill your team's HP and CP.



I'm sorry, but I'm not really that impressed with the music? Aside from the really nice piece during the title screen, the rest sounds like your typical Tales game. Hopefully there will be more noteworthy songs in the game itself. Other sound effects though, like during battles and as you explore, are top notch. But other than that, I'm apathetic towards this part. Voice acting is great for both Japanese and English dub - but then there are those dialogues with these weird character remarks only that sometimes sound weird and forced.
Kiki Motoi Sakuraba delivers, as always. Although the demo is too brief to include a wide array of scores given its brevity, "Land of Green" is a track that never gets old or repetitive, and neither the sound effects nor the ambiance sounds were distracting. It seemed to me like a perfect mix. I even broke out into a huge smile with my first battle as it just screamed classic Tales to me, and hearing it made me feel at home.
Caphi I don't have as much to say about this, but action violins are incredibly underrated and I love the battle theme on that basis alone.
Flamzeron The sounds of the demo did not offend me, but they didn't necesarrily impress me either. It was just kind of there. I liked the battle theme and the sound effects in battle were cool. I also played with the English dub and the voice cast seems to be top notch. I'm 90% sure that Law is played by either Bryce Papenbrook (Asbel in Tales of Graces) or Robbie Daymond (Sorey in Tales of Zestiria) and I'd say I'm 60% sure that Alphen is played by Ben Diskin (Rokurou in Tales of Berseria.) I'm still not sure about the others, though. Dohalim has a very calm tone, akin to a king that is in control of the situation. Kisara sounded like a serious knight and Rinwell reminded me of a tomboyish sister kind of character, vocally. I likely need more exposure to it, but the sounds of the game seemed alright so far.
Pássaro The music is excellent alongside the arte SFX. I did feel like the battle BGM was drowned out a bit, even with all settings at 100.
Khayyaam The sound mixing is fine in either language, which should be a relief for some people. The battle music screams Motoi Sakuraba, while the field music seems to go for a more cinematic approach. There's a lot of voice acted lines when approaching different elements of the world and even for different situations in battle, so there's potential for plenty of characterization that way.
Kurani17 • Having a live orchestra really makes the music feel more...alive. The compositions themselves are quite good as well. This is the best normal battle theme in a long while in my opinion.
• Sound effects are usually pretty good in Tales games, and this one is no different.
• Voice acting (I played in Japanese) is excellent as always.

Overall Impression


So obviously, graphics aside, I'm not that 100% into the demo. Of course, at the end of the day a demo IS just a demo - the full game's where it's at. And I'm hoping so so much the game delivers. The demo is a nice way to get non-Tales players to jump in - but some of us old-time Tales fans might find a few changes odd, like the battle controls. But we're eager to learn.
Kiki Aside from a few hiccups, I am genuinely hyped for this title. One of my favorite aspects of the Tales series that never fails to charm me are the characters—train wrecks though they may be—so I look forward to seeing what shenanigans this party will get up to and what side characters will pop up and steal my heart unexpectedly. It seems only fair then to end on a simple but poignant: “Viva Tales Of!”

After I was done struggling to wrap my head around everything the demo threw at me, I was impressed by its polish and breadth. Combat and exploration both feel good and open. The overall quality of life is tremendous - both exploring normally and taking on challenges are fairly stress free. There are a few annoyances, but they're mainly things I'm just not used to.

If anyone still finds it intimidating, I'm sure the full game will explain everything with proper tutorials when the time comes. We've seen this happen with Berseria's demo and the recent Arise first chapter footage. As a taste of Arise when all the pieces are together, I'm calling this demo a rousing success.

Flamzeron Overall, I enjoyed the demo! The presentation of the game was great and it looked amazing, even if a little toned down to fit my system. From what I can see of the story and characters, it's Tales through and through. the banter is perfect and I felt right at home playing the demo and getting to know a little bit about these characters. My only real concern is with combat and the menus, though mostly the combat. I think Tales of Arise is going to be a turning point for the future style of the series. Again, it is not a bad change, and quite frankly, there is enough old to go with the new that I still feel like I'm playing a Tales game, but it's like a Tales game that's gone through the wash a few times. It still fits and is nice, but not as nice as it used to be. Video game franchises go through changes all the time, on the other hand. Heck, I already mentioned Ys. Are you still running into enemies to attack them in Ys IX? I don't think so. So don't take my word for it, please. Play the demo yourself and see if it's right for you. Yes, that's right, even though I said I liked the demo. I enjoyed playing it and maybe you will too? Needless to say, September can't come any sooner! I'm excited to play the full game when it launches!
Pássaro Overall, I knew I was grabbing Tales of Arise, but I had multiple concerns that kept me on the fence with how I felt about Arise. My feelings changed once I was able to get my hand on the demo and get a feel for the game myself. During the demo, I noticed many subtle references to the previous Tales game, like learning artes mid-battle, the proficiency learning system from Eternia, the combat flow that reminds me of Berseria, and boss fights that took me back to Phantasia or Destiny 2. As of this writing, I believe I ran through the demo too many times to count. I suppose that should speak on how much I'm anticipating the game now, haha.
Khayyaam Tales of Arise is definitely an upgrade in presentation in many ways from the last few console Tales titles, so it's no surprise it's making an impression on many people with its vibrant world and flashy visuals in action scenes. Ultimately however, I'm not personally too invested in these changes. While the presentation is upgraded, I have many concerns about the game's ability to keep players engaged beyond the surface level for the entirety of the playtime. With the small amount of arte slots and exactly one defensive option to avoid enemy attacks with, the game falls into a very similar loop, and that's not to mention penetrate being ineffective on bosses. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I can't imagine a climactic one-on-one fight being all that different from an early game boss with the system they have so far.
Kurani17 • I liked the demo more than I was expecting to.
• There are still some small things I wish were different (like bosses), but I found the new rhythm of the game to be enjoyable.
• The game still requires player skill and attentiveness, and there is a lot of room for combo potential, especially once the full game comes out with all the skills and such at our disposal.

Tales of Arise is releasing in just a few days! How excited are you?

Tales of Arise is now available at the following shops (Note: Please keep in mind that we may receive a commission when you click on our links and make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons.):

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Tales of Arise
Tales of AriseTales of Arise is the latest mothership title (new classification: original title) of the Tales of Series which was first announced during Microsoft’s Press Conference in E3 2019. The game was released for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC Digital via Steam on September 9, 2021 for Asia and Japan and September 10, 2021 for the rest of the world. The game features use of the Unreal Engine 4 and works on the theme of tradition versus evolution of the series.

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About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.