Tales of Crestoria is at Anime Expo 2019

Check their booth at AX!

Check out Tales of Crestoria AR Experience and Gallery Booths at Anime Expo 2019, from July 4th to July 7th in Los Angeles, California!

As announced on Tales of Crestoria Official Twitter a few days ago, the game will be present at this year's AX - Anime Expo.

There's even a new skit made specially for the event.

Make sure to check them out in the South Hall Lobby at AX and have fun!


Tales of Crestoria
Tales of CrestoriaTales of Crestoria is an upcoming mobile title dedicated for smartphones that is an entirely new story and doesn’t focus on previous Tales of titles. The game features Kanata Hjuger, a young man branded as a Transgressor because of the crimeof “protecting someone important” to him. The game will be released for iOS and Android on 2020.

Info Page | News | Gallery | Official Website (JP) | Official Website (EN)

About 8ro 54 Articles
8ro, or Hachiro, is just a regular Tales fan who still hopes Tales of Destiny R gets an english localization someday. And is way too passionate/annoying about anime, games and japanese culture. Also, he loves card games a lot.
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