AC Weigh-In: June 2019

For June 2019's edition of the weigh in, we will be talking about our speculations for this year's Tales of Festival! We are also joined by two of our patrons this month!

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What features would you like to see in a future Mothership title's gameplay/narrative?

By this time I wish they'd perfect the seamless battles. It's what got people so hyped for Zestiria, but of course, that didn't deliver as planned. And I think I answered this before, but please have Tales return to the basics - the more, hapless village boy becoming a hero because ~*destiny*~.
I'm still holding out for another family-oriented slant like Berseria had. Gameplay-wise, I would like to see them innovate on something similar to Graces' system.
I kind of want to see equipment building, honestly. I want the explore the world to gather material and then make custom weapon and armor. I also want to see bonding like giving presents to your party members to raise their affections. I'm sure it'll make great potential for characterization and unlocking new moves.
Hmm... I'd like to see more good multiplayer gameplay. I love playing new Tales games with my friends, so that gameplay feature is really important to me! As for the narrative, I like the idea of having another Lloyd-like protagonist who is totally opposed to the idea of sacrificing oneself for the supposed greater good, since it's been a while since we've had a protagonist like that.
Gameplay-wise, I want them to go back to basics. Maybe something like Xillia. I've missed playing a classic Tales game and while Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition has scratched that itch for the most part, I think having a brand new game with a classic feel to it would be fun. As for the story, I'm pretty much up for anything.
As far as gameplay goes, really I'd just like them to take Graces F's gameplay wholesale and add jumping, haha. Or, otherwise, I'd like them to take what they built up with Rays and expand on it in ways that can't be done on mobile. But really I'd be happy with an LMBS that actually is Linear. I didn't like how Berseria removed Linear Motion but still called it an LMBS. If they bring it back then that's all I really ask for. Besides that, I want them to start making more varied skit conditions again. I was pretty disappointed that Berseria essentially used skits as cutscene extensions and there were few that you could actually find. Skits should be the reward for exploring the world and doing everything you can, bringing the game to life as the characters actually stop and comment on what they just did or saw, otherwise they might as well just be cutscenes.
Return to fixed camera towns/dungeons, overworld, and puzzles for the dungeons.
I would love to see some sort of online Co-op. Having the ability to play with my brother who lives a few states away or with other tales fans in the community would be great!

If a port/remaster title is announced, which game would you want ported and what additional features would you like to see out of it?

Oh gosh oh gosh Tales of Eternia PLEASE. This game deserves a remaster more than anything, or at least a 3D remake. Let us customize the Van Eltia with more options, like design options, etc. Show us the Craymels in all their 3D glory.
Tales of the Abyss please, and give us an Asch side while they're at it. Otherwise, a Legendia remake would be so good.
LEGENDIA PLEASE!!!!! I kind of want to see a 3D, free range battle system for Legendia because I know that there can be crazy combos if the Legendia cast can move around freely in an open space compared to the battle system it has.
I would love to see a really good Eternia remaster with high-res versions of its sprites and environments. It's such a beautiful game, but it's pretty obscure outside of the Tales fandom in the US, so I would for more people to be able to experience it. Honorable mention to Rebirth so that it could hopefully get an English release! And more Tales games ported to the Switch!
ETERNIA! Gimme my Tales of Eternia remake RIGHT NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Ahem* Yes, a remake or even a port of Tales of Eternia would be quite lovely.
I want Tales of Destiny Chronicles. Destiny DC, Destiny 2, maybe even the original Destiny 1 (and/or if you'll let me be cheeky, Eternia) all packed together. I don't really want anything additional, I just really want Destiny DC and Destiny 2 to finally get localized.
TALES OF DESTINY REMAKE!!! Localised + any HD touch ups.
I would love to see Tales of Legendia get remaster because I think it was very underrated as a game and gets a bad rep with tales fans. I think if they would maybe fix the on screen characters to show more detail and get rid of the random encounters that trigger every 18 seconds (25 seconds if you use a holy bottle) then the game wouldn't be looked at so poorly in the eyes of tales fans.

What Tales anime, adaptation or otherwise, would you like to see announced at the Festival, if there is one?

I would love to see Tales of Xillia get the anime treatment as long as ufotable will still be in charge. I'd also love to see Tales of Legendia retold in anime form, especially if they'd be able to convey how colorful the game is in animation. I'd peg maybe WIT Studio for that one.
I really want a Xillia or Berseria anime.
Berseria, Xillia and Rebirth. Berseria because it's recent. Xillia because the story and lore is interesting. Rebirth because the story about discrimination can be applied to reality.
I would love to see a Berseria anime adaptation. I liked the two episodes in Tales of Zestiria the X and was sad that there was not more.
I think a big crossover Tales anime would be cool. Something like Radiant Mythology or even Rays. I just want to see all the characters hang out and eat Mabo Curry or something. Something with a sense of adventure but also some lighthearted comedy.
It'll never happen, but I kind of want a Tempest anime. I'm not too optimistic about getting a Tempest R, but maybe an anime adaptation could do the story justice.
Tales of Phantasia!
Tales of Xillia the anime would be a great announcement. There is lots of story to tell across both games and the characters and worlds were great!

Who do you think is the special guest?

Bring back Mamoru Miyano (Flynn). Please.
I have a feeling it's going to be Kanata, what with the hype surrounding Crestoria.
There's a special guest? Um...someone from the Crestoria cast?
No idea, haha!
Probably Yusuke Tomizawa, if he isn't already going to be there. If not him, then perhaps the voice actor of whoever the lead is going to be in the next Mothership title. Those two are the most logical to me, though I would love it if Akira Toriyama showed up and announced that he was the artist for the next game!
Honestly, I have no clue! It could be anyone. But if I had to hazard a guess, maybe Kouhei Amasaki/Kanata Hjuger? It'd make sense to promote Crestoria. Though personally I'd want Norio Wakamoto/Barbatos.
Norio Wakamoto, but that's probably more of a request 😀
I couldn't even guess!

Is there any potential merchandise or collaboration announcement you're hoping for?

We will never have this collaboration, but a fan can hope. Tales x Atelier games. Or Tales x Wild ARMs. But never.
I hope they continue the Hello Kitty collaboration and give us a Jade kitty and/or announce another orchestra this year and give us Orchestra Jade.
I will always wait for a Tales x Final Fantasy collaboration.
I'd love to see more scale figurines from Kotobukiya or Alter, especially if more of the Berseria characters get some love! I would also love to see some collaboration event news for Crestoria, but that's mostly because I just want any Crestoria news...
Articulated action figures would be nice. Maybe more T-shirts as well. I would prefer the action figures though. Or at least a Reid statue.
Besides the obvious answer of more figures for characters I like, I really want more collabs with other mobile games. I like what they've done so far, especially in Rays, and it feels like I'm seeing more people getting interested in the series as a result.
I'd love to see more GSC collabs! In particular, a scale figure as I'm out to collect them all!
It would be fun to see some sort of collaboration that goes deeper into the lore and history of Namco. I like the little references they throw in with pacman being Jade's belt in Tales of the Abyss or the Pacman statue in flanoir from tales of symphonia.

Any closing thoughts/final word on your speculations for Tales of Festival this year?

We're all already expecting Crestoria news, but I'm hoping for news on that new mothership title they teased last Festival. Actually, I'm teensy tiny hoping for it during E3, which occurs right before this year's Festival, but there's a low chance of that.
I'm excited over what this TalesFes will hold and look forward to bringing everyone news fresh from the press this year!
I kind of want to see an announcement of the new mothership. That's all I want, particularly.
I'm hoping we'll get a release date for Crestoria (hopefully soon!!!) and some more detailed information on the new mothership game. I'm really excited either way!
I feel like as each year goes by, the opportunity for more information on the next big Tales game slips away. I think we should be getting at least a little teaser or some concept pictures to give us a little taste of what's to come. At some point, we fans may move on to other things if they don't pick up the pace. I don't want them to rush it, but I think getting at least something substantial would be nice. Even if it becomes a yearly update thing, I wold be happy at least knowing that progress is being made.
Wolfteam is back and will develop the next Mothership! That's a joke. In actuality, I think we'll just get a tease for the next mothership. A name at least, maybe the protag's design, a genre name, maaaybe a shot of the world. And then besides that, more merch, Asteria, Crestoria and Rays stuff. But I'm fine with that. I can wait, I don't mind them taking their time on the next mothership.
Nope, something to surprise the Tales fans but save bigger console game related announcements for something like E3/Gamescom/etc that's more western focused.
I'm really hoping for some detail on the next tales game and what we might be able to expect. Maybe not gameplay, but something about the world, story, or main protagonist would be really satisfying to me.

Any suggestions for next month, or anything that you want to respond to? Feel free to share them in the comments below~

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About DimensionSlip 27 Articles
Prior to joining AC, Slip has been dabbling in other Tales-related endeavors, including but not limited to scanlating various comics, subbing drama CDs, and writing fanfiction. Currently lives in Japan and presents monthly offerings of the yen variety to the Tales of Shop at Akihabara--if not crying over empty wallets thanks to one Jade Curtiss and his merchandise.