Check Out The First Batch of Tales of Xillia DLC Costumes, With More Next Week!

Tales of Xillia has been out for a few days now, and for those who frequent the PlayStation Store, you may have noticed the first batch of DLC costumes released for the game: The Maid and Butler costumes, The Swimwear costumes and The Color Variation Costumes.Here are a few screenshots for the Maid and Butler ones:

Maid and Butler DLC Costumes

UPDATE (August 14, 2013): And here are screenshots of the Swimsuit costumes and the Color Variation costumes.

Maid and Butler DLC Costumes

Color Variation Costumes

The Maid and Butler costumes and the Swimwear costumes are available on the PlayStation Store for $2.99 each while the entire Color Variation costumes set can be downloaded for free.

The next DLC update will be next week, on August 20, 2013 for the US store and August 21, 2013 for the EU stores. Look forward to them ;)!

Tales of Xillia was released in the US on August 6, 2013 and in Europe on August 9, 2013. Orders are still available at the following places:

Tales of Xillia (Regular US Version) - Play-Asia | GameStop | Amazon
Tales of Xillia (CE US Version) - GameStop | Amazon
Tales of Xillia (Regular EU Version) - Zavvi | | | | Play-Asia
Tales of Xillia (CE EU Version) - Namco Bandai

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.