Hideo Baba Tales of Series Community Interview - Part 4

Finally, the next part of Tales of Series Producer Hideo Baba's community interview is finally up. Though there's no concrete news on Tales in the video, there is a mention of some sort of give away to happen in the future.

Thanks to @Orange_Cider for the heads up.

Baba-san shares that his favorite LMBS is the Style Shift LMBS from Tales of Graces/Graces F and that his favorite Tales music (or theme song) is Tales of Xillia's. He then proceeds to show us what's inside Tales of Xillia's Kyun Chara pack for some reason.

One question addresses the info we got that Tales of Xillia was actually rushed due to time constraints, though Baba-san mentions that all Tales games do face this problem mainly because all of them have a set budget and a set schedule to follow, so there really are times when they have to scratch some ideas to meet their deadline. Long story short, all Tales games had ideas that didn't make it in the final product because of this, though this does not make the final game any less complete.

Baba-san then showed one of the Tales-inspired collaboration clothes that were made under a clothing brand in Japan, joking that a handsome man is supposed to look good in it, but he just makes it look bad.

He then mentions that a few of the Western games he's into right now include Wizardry, Uncharted and Heavy Rain, whose theme particularly touched him despite not having children of his own yet.

Someone then asks Baba-san if he likes the Green Eggs and Ham book... to which he answers that he hopes he'll get to read it one day with a laugh.

Finally, he mentions that three lucky people in the west will win the Tales of Xillia Kyun Chara Pack (will NOT include the game, just the calendar box and the figures), though they don't have the official mechanics of this, yet.

This video seems to be the last one, as there was no "to be continued" message at the end. Baba-san just mentions that the Tales of Series does get positive feedback in the west, so they're trying their best to bring more to there in the future, and they're starting that out with Abyss and Graces f.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.