Tales of Innocence Updates: New Scans Plus Staff Voice

Thanks to from the Tales Forum, we now have 3 new scans from Jeux-France.

Click the thumbnails to view them. The scans contain basic info about the game, including the list of villains we posted about a while back (CLICKY HERE). The scans include new, and very beautiful, character art, as well as info on a little something VJumpBooks will be releasing, entitled, "Tales of Innocence: Yakusoku no Sho (the promised several)" (tentative title) will be released sometime in the future for around 1050 Yen. It's still unsure if this is a strategy guide, or a novel.

As for the Staff Voice update, nothing important is to be noted except for the test playing's storyline going to as far as the recruitment of Spada Belforma (see image above), and that the effects of having a particular style on a character adds up with the effects of weapon customization, characters' own max stats, and cooking. Also, changing of styles within battle is prohibited.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.