Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave: Schwartz's Video & Story Voices

In this week's Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave update, we have a video of boss character Schwartz from Tales of Legendia and info about the game's Story Voices.

Sadly, the video doesn't show her Mystic Arte though.

Now, depending on which route you have (either Serious or Comical), the lines of the characters, or the Story Voices, may change. You can hear them yourselves via the game's official site.

As an example, here are Jude and Milla's lines:

Serious Scenario:
Milla: I see, so that is your reason for fighting.
Jude: Yeah. But I can't really be proud of it and say that it's my duty like you do, Milla.
Milla: Why not? I think your reason for fighting is admirable.
Jude: Huh? T-Thank you.

Comical Scenario:
Milla: Those hunter guys are trouble. When they defeat beasts, they always have to eat the meat, right? What do they do about monsters that don't have any flesh?
Jude: They don't hunt monsters that have no flesh, Milla...

And again, the second demo for the game is already out, featuring a serious story with Jude and a comical one with Luke. You can download it via PSN or at the official site.

Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave will be out for the PSP in Japan on February 23, 2012. Play-Asia now has pre-orders open for both the regular version and the premium box.

About a745 1738 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.