Quality check for the Sylvarant Arc episodes are already being done, and hopefully we'll be done with them soon. Our main problem now is that we lack karaoke and AFX typesetters in the team. We would really appreciate it if anyone can help us out.
*copy-pasted from AnimeSuki*
Group: Abyssal Chronicles
Website: https://www.abyssalchronicles.com
Positions: Karaoke typesetter and AFX typesetter
Projects: Tales of Symphonia: the Animation (Sylvarant and Tethe'alla Arcs/Episodes) and Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike once the DVDs are out.
Contact: abigail979@yahoo.com or #abyssalchronicles@irc.rizon.net. I would prefer receiving an e-mail first, since I'm not online on IRC all the time due to school. Persons to contact on IRC: a745, Rena_Chan and ashye.
Karaoke typesetter - We are looking for an experienced karaoke typesetter who can make effects as described by some of the staff. We're not looking for anything overly difficult and fancy. You may also suggest your own effect depending on the video, and if the staff likes it, then it's go.
AFX typesetter - Mainly for putting the group logo on the show titles, as well as some signs and stuff via Adobe After Effects. We would prefer someone who is also experienced with Photoshop, but it's not mandatory.
AC works at a leisurely pace and ensures quality in all of its releases. We can ensure you that we will not pressure you in getting your work done... unless it takes too much time already =. Our episodes for the Sylvarant Arc are already ready for release, the only thing missing is the karaoke and afx typesetting, so it would be a big help to us if anyone can help. Thanks in advance!
If you guys know of anybody who can help, please do ask them if they're interested. Thanks!
*Image from Tethe'alla Collector's Edition omake.