Tales of The Rays event: Casino Midnight now live!

Shaken or Stirred?

Marcus finally joins the heroes directly. His assignment? Casino infiltration!
Tales of The Rays has finally introduced its new event, Casino Midnight! The event runs from April 30th, 14:00 JST to May 14th 13:59 JST, while it's associated banner runs from April 30th, 14:00 JST to May 31st, 13:59 JST!

Play through the event's story to unlock everyone's favorite Salvation Front member Marcus!

The masters of espionage backing him up are KratosMithos, and Sync! Check out previews of their mirrages below.





Click here to check out a more detailed overview of the event!

Tales of the Rays
Tales of BerseriaTales of the Rays is a Tales mobile game for the iOS and Android featuring characters designed by Hidenori Matsuraba and a new ADF-LMBS (Advanced Flick Linear Motion Battle System). The game tells the story of hero Ix Nieves and heroine Mileena Weiss in the world of Tir Na Nog. Characters from the previous Tales titles appear in this game. The game initially had an English version, but was short-lived and now currently runs exclusively in Japan.

Info Page | News | Gallery | Official Website (JP)

About Khayyaam 104 Articles
When he’s not playing Tales, Khayyaam tries his best to get as many people he knows as possible into the series. He’s also a fan of all sorts of games in general, especially Fighting Games, Action Games and RPGs, and he loves to write and talk about them too, especially from a gameplay and game design perspective. One day he’ll make his own game, or be a voice actor in a game, but for now he’s happy just playing games and talking about them.