Tales of the Rays JP: 'Tir Na Nog SUMMER: A Summer's Memory' & Version 2.5.0 Update Overview

Event Reissue feature officially live!

[Tir Na Nog SUMMER: A Summer's Memory] event will be available from July 31 (14:00 JST) to August 15 (13:59 JST)
Complete all the event stages to recruit Gaius and Muzet from Tales of Xillia 2!

Play the event stages and gather Black Stone Fragment, Crimson Stone Fragment and Azure Stone Fragment currencies to exchange for various items at the event shop.
GaiusMuzetJude, Milla, Leia and Elize's gears have higher bonus drop for the event currencies.
Also, various missions to get these currencies are available.

•The event shop will be available until August 24 (13:59 JST).

The gacha banner associated with the event will be available until August 31 (13:59 JST) and contains 6 characters from Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2GaiusMuzet, Leia, Jude, Milla and Elize.
There is a rate-up for Gaius and Muzet's items, as well as for Jude and Leia new Seasonal Mirrages.
Summoning with Mirrogems grants a guaranteed 5* mirror gear and a Summon Ticket, plus 25x Spirro Jewels.
Ticket summons will be available until September 04 (13:59 JST)
•Getting a Mirrage in the gacha will grant you a costume.

Version 2.5.0 is live!
You can check the full post here. (in Japanese)

Summing it up:

Event Reissue Feature
You can use tickets to reissue past events, so you can play them anytime!
Once reissued, the event and its gacha will be available for 10 days, the exchange market for 12 days, and the ticket banner for 14 days!
An Event Reissue tab will be available on the Missions Menu for the event's missions!

Max Level filter for Orders
You can filter your characters by Max Level on the Order Menu! And also by their Nexus Shards availability.

Help Button in dungeon and battle menus.

New Mirrage Borders
Gacha mirrages now have different borders depending on their type (Regular, Seasonal or Overray)!

August's Tower of Ancestors has arrived! From July 31 (14:00 JST) to August 24 (13:59 JST).
Clearing up to Floor 50 will reward you with up to 250 Diamonds and will count as First Clear, but now you can try to clear the EXTRA Stages, up to Floor 60 for even more rewards.
Anima Resonance characters for this tower are GaiusMuzetLeiaJudeKocis and Mithos. Two more will be added in the future!

Tales of the Rays
Tales of BerseriaTales of the Rays is a Tales mobile game for the iOS and Android featuring characters designed by Hidenori Matsuraba and a new ADF-LMBS (Advanced Flick Linear Motion Battle System). The game tells the story of hero Ix Nieves and heroine Mileena Weiss in the world of Tir Na Nog. Characters from the previous Tales titles appear in this game. The game initially had an English version, but was short-lived and now currently runs exclusively in Japan.

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About 8ro 54 Articles
8ro, or Hachiro, is just a regular Tales fan who still hopes Tales of Destiny R gets an english localization someday. And is way too passionate/annoying about anime, games and japanese culture. Also, he loves card games a lot.
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