Meh The Virus is Still Here >_> + Ring A Bell PV + New ToS-R Video

Yes, the virus is still around. A few people are still experiencing it. I've found a few solutions, but it'll take quite a while to get it fixed. As much as I hate saying this, I discourage everyone from visiting AC for a while, 'cause I don't want your PC's getting attacked by this virus (I know how painful that is, even if I myself don't own my own PC). I assure everyone that this problem is not unsolvable, but it'll take me time.

And in the meantime, enjoy watching Bonnie Pink's PV/Music Video for Ring a Bell! Click Here. It has animated scenes of ToV!! Thanks to cutepresea for pointing this out! =D

EDIT: June 05, 2008: A new ToS-R video has been pointed out to us by Danette-Anime-Otaku! This seems to be an interview video, but there are actual in-game scenes, battle scenes, and animated scenes. It'll give you a nice glimpse of the actual game. Click here to watch it.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.