New ToV & ToS-R Media + Virus Problem Fixed (Hopefully)

Just added the new screenshots and images that SV mentioned to the site's gallery. Also added a whole bunch of new screenshots from this page of GPara. You'll be able to see a little sneak peak on the two other remaining unrevealed characters somewhere in here. Wallpapers for Karol Capel have also been put up and added to the gallery (1280x1024 | 1024x768).

For ToS-R, just added the new PV to AC's YouTube account, as well as for download and added the previous 15 second commercial for download over at the ToS-R Video Page. A PV for misono's Nininsankyaku (Three-Legged Race) has been put up on YouTube. It features a few scenes of the actual game's opening that were shown in the latest trailer. Download for the MP3 of the song has been added to the ToS-R Audio Page, thanks to Sok from Wings of An Angel you can also listen to the song via the Tales Jukebox. I've also added the recent voice comments of Emil and Marta's voice actor's from Tales Channel there. Also (so many alsos...) added a few screenshots from the blog and the Nininsankyaku PV (the ones with animated cutscenes) to the gallery which you can view herehere, and some new art, which can be viewed here.

Also (I have to stop with the alsos), I think I've already resolved the virus problem that our IE user visitors have been encountering (that includes me lol) when visiting the site. If there are still problems about this, please comment in this news post. Thank you so much to Rena-chan and the rest of the people over at Wings of an Angel for bringing this up. A virus via an iframe code was injected into the index.php file of the site, but I think I've deleted it now. It's working fine on my end as of the moment. If it's still there, you may want to delete your browser history/cookies first.

Please wait until our translators (TalesBelmont and DarkRyu) have finished translating the new info.

Also (augh), the following reported links have been fixed. This is only a small fraction of what has been reported... Sorry, this is what I can manage at the moment. Sukotsuto's supposed to fix up some of them though:
Yume de aru youni download link
Misleading links/dead links in ToS Audio (Starry Heavens, Soshite Heroic Version, etc.)

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.