More Information And Scans About Elise From Tales of Xillia

Finally, a few new magazine scans of Elise (and Tipo) from Tales of Xillia have surfaced, revealing her design's full color scheme and how she meets up with Jude and company. UPDATED (March 18, 2011): Scans replaced with better quality ones.


Elise Rutas, 12 years old and 145cm tall, is a master of spirit summoning artes despite her young age. She was apparently raised in a strange and unique environment, so she becomes really shy whenever she engages in conversations. Though she has a dislike for other people, she dearly adores Jude, whom she considers her very first friend. As for Tipo, Elise's purple little talking doll, its concept design is mainly by Art Director Daigo Okumura, but the drawing for the official illustration is by Kosuke Fujishima.

In the story, Jude first meets Elise when he and the others get to the mountain village of Ha Mil (????, Ha-Miru), found in the developing country of A Jule (however you properly spell it). There, they find Elise being persecuted or treated badly by the villagers. Jude is the one who offers to take her away from the village and have her with them. Since then, Elise has been working hard to be of use to Jude.

Elise's special battle style is Switch Tipo. There are two modes for this style. During Tipo On, she has little Tipo attached to her back (like Anise, if you guys will remember her and Tokunaga). During Tipo On, her summoning artes strengthen and long-range attacks with her staff become possible. During Tipo Off, Tipo hovers around her in battle. In this mode, her artes strengthen and Tipo is the one that does the attacking using melee attacks. Also, it seems that Tipo can protect Elise while she's casting spells.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.