New Tales of Graces f Screenshots Of Downloadable Content and More

A new batch of screen shots has just been released, showing the different downloadable content this game has to offer.

From the previously announced Code Geass, Sony Toro and Hatsune Miku costumes, the new attachments (Sophie doll and Kamenin merchant accessories) and even some Groovy Chat scenes, all of them are making their way as DLC.

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Code Geass R2, Sony Toro and Hatsune Miku costumes.

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The Dakko Sophie and the Kamenin Merchant accessories attachments will be available as DLC. A maximum of three attachments at a time can be worn per character. A DLC for an exclusive Groovy Chat skit with a new group art cut-in will be available as free DLC.

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The Narikiri system will be available this time around in the form of titles. Equipping and mastering the Narikiri titles will unlock a specific costume of the characters, allowing any character to become the said character in battle. The first few events of the game are also in the screen shots.

You can view more screen shots here. New concept art of the new costumes and more here.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.