Tales of Asteria JP: Swimsuit Second Batch (2018) Gacha

Duration: 07/13/18 - 4:00PM ~ 07/31/18 - 9:59PM JST

Our second batch of new swimsuit characters include Mint, Rody, and Magilou as our 6 star awakening units.

As always, their respective partner cards will appear more frequently in the partner awakening quests:


And finally, we have our common 4 star exclusive which is Senel! Good luck to all those rolling this banner!

About Mura 30 Articles
Mura has done several Tales projects in the early and mid 2000s such as fansubbing Tales of Fandom Vol. 2 as well as writing a FAQ for said title. Outside of Tales, Mura enjoys the Legend of Heroes "Kiseki" or "Trails" series, as well as competitive games like Heroes of the Storm and Street Fighter V.
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