Tales of The Rays is sending June off with a new boss raid against a familiar foe from Tales of The Abyss and the introduction of an unexpected ally. This Article has been updated.
The last addition from June's preview is finally here. Dist The Reaper from Tales of The Abyss makes his debut as a fully playable party member for the first time in the series! Surprisingly enough, he is not the target of this month's raid despite being a recurring antagonist in his source game. That would be Nebilim! Unfortunately she won't be playable (yet) but her connection to Dist The Rose and especially Jade makes her a fitting fight for the event. Speaking of which, the returning featured characters are Jade, Anise and Ion. Just like the Legendia event which also featured an unplayable boss, the featured characters won't be all Decisive Mirrage artes. Anise and Ion will get them, but Jade will be getting an Overray Mirrage Arte! The event times are below.
Raid - Vs. Nebilim | Start Time | End Time |
Event Quests/Raid Period | June 30th, 14:00 JST | July 7th, 13:59 JST |
Raid Banner - Jade, Dist, Ion, Anise | June 30th, 14:00 JST | July 31st, 13:59 JST |
Step-up Banners | June 30th, 14:00 JST | July 12th, 13:59 JST |
Update: After extended maintenance, all bugs have been fixed, compensation dia has been given out, and the banners are back online.. When the bug is fixed they will put the banner up, and this article will update! Until then, there are 3 new Step Ups, one of which has a free first step, so take advantage of them! As for the previews. there's no costume preview in the tweets themselves, but there IS a separate tweet for all of them and a good look at Nebilim's cut-in.
本日14:00~『攻略戦 ネビリム~在りし日の過ち~』に登場する新衣装を紹介です。
イオン様はアニスとお揃いのチャイルドディッシュを新規デザインで制作しました。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/FcPLAWQLI4— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 30, 2020
As you can see, most of these costumes are returning from Tales of the Abyss, but touched up. Jade gets his Doctor Mambo costume title while Anise gets Childish. Since Ion wasn't playable in Abyss, his costume is new too: a matching uniform with Anise. He even has a little moon shaped bag to go with her star shaped bag! Dist meanwhile gets his alternate personal attire which is seen in later parts of Abyss. His default outfit is his God General uniform.
Dist The Runny
6/30 14:00~『攻略戦 ネビリム~在りし日の過ち~』を配信します。
ディストはメカを使ったり薔薇を眺めたり多彩な戦闘を行います。戦闘開始時のジェイドとの掛け合いは豊富です。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/tt4hnBNSoc— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 26, 2020
This is really exciting for people who know enough about Tales of The Abyss. Dist's Mirrage arte is D-Buster. This would have been his mystic arte in Tales of The Abyss, but it went unused in the final game. Enterprising fans found data for it in the game's files. It finally comes to life in Tales of The Rays!
6/30 14:00~配信の『攻略戦 ネビリム~在りし日の過ち~』に登場するイオン様の決戦魔鏡技と秘技を紹介です。
決戦魔鏡技は瘴気を自らに移す事で味方を救う…あのシーン。秘技は2種類。双撞掌底破・爆拳はシンクの双撞掌底破を裏鏡装アレンジです。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/WvLX0dEbKK— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 28, 2020
Ion here sacrifices his life (debuffing his max HP) to heal the party and attack the enemy. What a selfless person...
6/30 14:00~配信の『攻略戦 ネビリム~在りし日の過ち~』に登場するアニスの決戦魔鏡技と秘技を紹介です。
さらに原作のハッピーライトが溜め秘技になって登場します。#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/HbsIK9DN4L— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 27, 2020
6/30~配信の『攻略戦 ネビリム~在りし日の過ち~』に登場するジェイドのオーバーレイ魔鏡技と秘技を紹介です。オバレで原作に登場した惑星譜術を発動させます。
天の禍、地の嘆き、あらゆる咎を送らんがため、今断罪の剣が振り下ろされる!滅せよ!!#ザレイズ pic.twitter.com/V0oeDQGrI6— 【公式】テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ (@talesof_therays) June 29, 2020
Jade's Overray Mirrage Arte preview was not uploaded at the time of this writing, but from the previews we can see he uses the Catalyst Weapon known as Nebilim, which is a fitting reference to the Planetary Fonic Arte which required the placement of all Catalyst weapons! He also uses Raging Mist for one of his new 5* artes.
That's it for this event. As always, stick around for future news!