A Whole Bunch of New Tales of Graces Magazine Scans- Groovy Chat & Others

A little hunting in 2ch made me discover all of these new scans. Some hold new info, some hold interesting things, while some are just old news. Nonetheless, we've added them to the gallery.

scan1 scan2

Groovy ChatThe scans above have a little more info on the game'schat system and the critical gauge we've seen in battles. The part about the critical gauge is too blurry to read, so we'll leave that out for now. The game's chat system is being called Groovy Chat this time around. It's pretty much the same chat system used in the Team Destiny games (waist up images of characters), only with the addition of the chibi/super-deformed illustrations for comical moments.

scan3 scan4 scan5 scan6 scan7 scan8 scan9 scan10 scan11 scan12 scan13

Hi MalikThese next scans are pretty much new scans with old news. The only things of interest would be this one, showing a few new screenshots of the game's anime opening movie, this scan with Aston, Asbel's dadthis oneshowing Malik talking with Asbel and the others when they were just children, and this one showing young Richard in a nice hat. The rest of the scans just contain old info on Richard and the whole being able to fight as children thing.

Apologies if this is late. I hate it when I fall asleep while reviewing for exams. I tend to, uh, not wake up until the next day (which means I wasn't able to review properly too. GAH).

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.