Hiatus Over + Tales of Vesperia Announced + New ToDDC Scans & Info

A new Tales game has just been announced over at the Jump Festa 2007 (WTH already??). It's the previously licensed name "Tales of Vesperia." Not much is known about the game, except that character designs will be again by Kosuke Fujishima. It is still unknown about what platform the game will be in, although the article is somewhat stating that it may be for a next gen console. There are also images of celshaded cutscenes/graphics, and of course, the main logo. Click below to see the images:


As for ToDDC, we have new scans, followed by info that a Lilith's Side has been confirmed for the game. Meaning, you will also have a Lilith path in the game. There are new skills for Leon, and some modifications to the premium box have been made.

So the hiatus is over... Turns out it was a server problem, and not FusionNews. And we also updated to FusionNews 3.9.1. And it's looking fine so far...

Famitsu.com Jump Festa 2007

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.