New Tales of Vesperia Movie Scans - Info on New Characters

New Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ scans (thanks to cutepresea and 2chan) have surfaced. Judging from the format of the first scan, it seems to be from Volume 11 of the Tales of Magazine.

ToV Movie New Characters twins nairen Galista

VA: Fumie Mizusawa
»»» The younger twin sister of Hisuka, and a knight belonging to the Nylen Corps. Though she is physically identical to her sister, her character is completely different from hers.

VA: Arisa Ogasawara
»»» A female knight belonging to Nylen Corps, together with her twin sister. She is a knight senior to Yuri and Flynn and is the older of the twins.

VA: Takashi Taniguchi
»»» The commanding officer of the Nylen Corps. Though he really gives off the feel of a commanding officer, he also has the feel of a nice middle-aged man.

VA: Mitsuru Miyamoto
»»» The strategist of the Nylen Corps where Yuri and Flynn belong to. His fine line of wisdom in military affairs excels those of the others'.

The VS. info have been moved to a new post.