Radiant Mythology 2 Complete Guide and Nekonin (Katz) Equipment

Those who will be purchasing the Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 Complete Guide are entitled to downloads of Nekonin (Katz) equipment.

The guide comes out on the 5th of this March.

They would also like to apologize for a misprint in the guide regarding the said Nekonin equips.

The info that was published on the guide was:
Max TP + 12%
Casting Speed 11% faster
Defense + 12%

And the correct information is:
Critical Rate + 12%
Weapons Efficiency + 20%
Guard Destruction (?) + 1
Overlimit + 19%

Speaking of RM2, according to this article from Kotaku, which lists the top 10 video games that sold in Japan last month, RM2 sold the most, garnering a total of 288,860 sales and the top spot. Hopefully, this will get Namdai to consider a localization... -pokes Namdai xD-

TotA Status:
Ep21 - QC'ing
Ep22 - Editing, Timing, AFX

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.