Tales of VS 2 Announced for iOS and Android, Trailer Released - APRIL FOOLS!

Well that came out of nowhere

A new project from the Tales of the Rays Team! Not.

UPDATE: 04/02/2020 - If it wasn't obvious yet, this is an April Fool's from Bandai Namco Japan.

Announced within the Tales of the Rays game as well as the Tales of the Rays official Japanese website, a sequel to the Tales of VS battle royale game has just been announced!

Aptly named "Tales of VS 2," the upcoming iOS/Android title seems to follow a more traditional versus battle game, as opposed to the original Tales of VS which felt a bit more akin to Super Smash Bros, in a way. Check out the trailer below. UPDATE: 04/02/2020 - As of today, the trailer has been updated to announce the April Fool's joke at the very end, but it does announce that Bruiser Khang (Mighty Kongman) will be introduced soon in Tales of the Rays.

The game boasts having over 150 characters playable. You can even play as an Otaota (Polwigle)! At the end of the trailer, you'll also note what seems to be a sneak peek at Mystic Artes. A few screenshots from the trailer are below:

Below is the story summary from the website:

On the World Tree grows
Fragments of Mana that fulfill wishes
The battle for the right to the throne
The World Tree Battle
Now begins

The game will be released on December 15, 1995. Stay tuned for more updates!




...And if you haven't realized yet, this is an April Fool's joke, brought to you by Bandai Namco themselves.

So Happy April Fool's Day, I guess? I sincerely hope everyone is safe and healthy and please STAY HOME.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.