Tales Series Battle Arrange/Piano Selection Albums + Media Updates

On the 27th of this month (aside from our admin sukotsuto's birthday) will be the release of a "Tales of Series Battle Arrange Tracks" Album, featuring arranged versions of one classic track from each game, arranged by Motoi Sakuraba.

According to CDJapan, it will have 12 arranged tracks. The given price is 3150 Yen (Tax included).

Also, on the 24th of September, another arranged album named "Tales of Series Piano Selection" wll be released, having the same price as the one previously described. It's to have piano-arranged tracks, also by Motoi Sakuraba.

Famitsu also just put up an article about Tales of Hearts. It pretty much repeats the info previously shown in the scans before, so we just updated the Tales of Hearts gallery.

As for media updates, the ToS-R OST has been added to the ToS-R Audio Page.

EDIT: If you'll notice, the previously mentioned TalesRPG URL now redirects to the Namdai Vesperia Mini Site. I don't know if that's something temporary, or they're just too lazy to make a new site.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.