I know it's still ways away for the others, but it's currently January 1, 2012 at 12:00 midnight right now where I live, so...
Again, we would like to thank everyone who continuously supports AC. I know I have my own shortcomings with regards to keeping dates and updating site content, but I'm still grateful that so many people still visit us.
As a small token of my appreciation, I'll be giving away one copy of KOKIA's New Day, New Life single (Tales of Innocence R's main opening theme) which will be released on January 25th, 2012.
All you guys have to do is answer this simple question:
A bit difficult, I must say, haha. Anyway, the winner will be chosen randomly from those who will get the correct answer. Hint: he's adorable. Remember that you can only answer once and that you have to live in a country where Play-Asia can ship to. Also, due to the nature of the question, site admins and mods are not allowed to join.
EDIT: Keep in mind that it is a MAIN hero. The main, not the side heroes.
Send your answer to a745@abyssalchronicles.com with the title "AC's New Year Giveaway". You'll get a reply whether I received your answer. However, I will not tell you whether you got the right answer or not.
Deadline for answers is on January 2, 2011 at 2:00 AM California time(or January 2 at 6PM Philippines time OR 10AM GMT). If you have any questions, please comment below.
Keep in mind that this is just a simple giveaway, not a main contest. We will be having our main contest soon hintatthatgamethat'scomingtotheUSsoonbut we're still a bit short on funds because of the last contest. You can help us in funding mainly by ordering stuff from Play-Asia through us or PayPal donations (button over there below).
Again, Happy New Year!