Tales Fans Around The World Ch02 - Tales of Fanarts Part 1!

Presenting the second chapter of our column, Tales Fans Around The World! One of the best ways fans show their love for the Tales of Series is through their artistic talent - in the form of lovely fanart. This chapter focuses on various lovely fanart made by two dedicated and talented Tales fans, Lewnett and Lo-wah



Lewnett's work mostly contains adorable art of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Tales of Graces, as well as some of his own original characters with designs inspired by the Tales Series. Some are hilarious, like the Lhant brothers' day out and some are just adorable, like his drawings of what Emil and Marta's child would look like. Overall, my personal favorite has to be this. For more Tales-inspired art, visit Lewnett's Deviant Art page here.


Though Lo-wah only has a few Tales-related artworks, I have to admit that her works are one of the best I've ever seen. Her works are very detailed and very wonderful to look at. Though most are serious-themed works, like this Ion and Sync one (warning, sort of spoilers for Tales of the Abyss), she also does some adorable ones from time to time, like this chibi Guy and Flynn one. You can view more of Lo-wah's art in her Deviant Art page.

AC is looking for more submissions to place in this column! It can be anything that you do for the series! It can be videos, skits, cosplay, fanart, or just plain expressing your love for the series in some bizarre way (like... cooking or something). If you want to be featured here, just e-maila745@abyssalchronicles.com with the subject "Tales Fans Around The World Submission".

About a745 1738 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.