Four New Tales of Vesperia Scans~

Thanks to Rpgmonkey from the Official Tales Forums, we have four new magazine scans about Tales of Vesperia, revealing more info on the characters and the game. 


Yuri Rowell (katakana: YURI ROWERU)
Age: 21 (O_O)
Height: 180 cm
Voice Actor: Toriumi Kosuke
Apparently, Yuri runs, or is a member of, some kind of guild known as "Brave Vesperia."

Estelle/Esther (Full name Estellieze, no last name yet) (Katakana: ESUTERIIZE)
Age: 18
Height: 165 cm
Voice Actor: Nakahara Mai

Some other interesting things in the scan:
|| The overseas version of the Japanese theme song will be sung by the same artist, who will happen to be Japanese.
|| Produced by the Abyss staff.
|| The scenario writer's of Abyss and Symphonia won't be working on Vesperia.
|| The game will have weapon synthesis.
|| The dog is indeed a party character, and can be used in the same way as the others.
|| Up to 7 or 8 enemies can appear in a single battle.
|| As stated before, the battle system will be the EFR-LMBS, or the Evolved Flex-Range Linear Motion Battle System, but no news yet on how it'll be evolved from Abyss' original FR-LMBS exactly. Although the system does include something about staggering the enemy with a single blow once Free Run is used.

If you'll notice, Yuri is the oldest Tales hero to be created ever... It really seems that Namco's leaning to the more mature side of gaming. And on March 14th, will have an interview from Yoshito Higuchi and Tsutomu Gouda online.

And there are low quality scans here and here.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.