ToR PSP Screens We Forgot to Upload Now Up + New ToR PSP Commercial

Yeah, I'm aware we forgot to upload those new Tales of Rebirth PSP screenshots that were recently added to the Tales Channel. They're now up, and you can view them here. The screenshots include sneak peeks of the villain's Hi-Ougi's (Saleh XD), the new gallery feature in the game (similar to ToD2's PSP port), the additional Eugene scenes/quest, and the like. Only 8 days until it's release, folks! Preorder XD~ The bonus comes with a peach pie recipe XD.

Also, Nore139 has just uploaded the first commercial for Tales of Rebirth PSP, which you can find here. It'll surely be up on the Tales Channel in a few days, so expect the downloads then.

And expect the official art sections of the Gallery to be filled in the next updates. As my friend Swordian Leon Magnus from the Tales forums commented, we need more official art up =D.

|| Tales of Rebirth PSP Screenshots
|| Tales of Rebirth PSP Commercial

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.