New Tales of Hearts R Screenshots: Anime Scenes, Event Scenes & Soma Build

We have a total of 55 new screenshots (and artworks) for Tales of Hearts R, mainly featuring the new anime cutscenes, events featuring Richea, Incarose and the beginning of the game, the Soma Build system, new Mystic Arte cut-ins and the in-game anime event illustrations. Note that the others were also shots we already have from the recent trailer, but we've updated them with these better quality ones.Amber/Kohak and Jadeite/Hisui's cut-ins:

New Anime Cutscenes Screenshots:

In-game Event Anime Illustrations:

Soma Build System:

Mystic Artes:

Event Scenes:

And to those who didn't see our mini-update on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr, Lalabit Market will be having a special store exclusive bonus for those who will buy Tales of Hearts R from them. Details and such to be announced at a later date.

Tales of Hearts R will be released in Japan on March 7, 2013. Pre-orders are now available at the following places:

Tales of Hearts R Regular Edition - Play-Asia | Amiami | YesAsia
Tales of Hearts R Link Edition - Amiami (all slots currently sold out, check again later)

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.