It's this time of the week again, which means the Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 official site has been updated with another batch of character videos. This time around, the videos feature Judas (Tales of Destiny 2), Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia), Anise Tatlin (Tales of the Abyss) and Iria Animi (Tales of Innocence).
In the videos, Judas performs what is basically a combination of ????? (Giren Shoureizan) that extends to ????? (Majin Rengokusatsu, Infernal Suffering), but it's basically named as Majin Rengokusatsu. Similarly, and just like in RM2, Anise ultimately gets ????? (Izayoi Tenbu, Dying Moon) but starts off with ????? (Satsugeki Bukouken, Final Fury). Zelos performs Divine Judgment while Iria, Ruined Vain Wish.