The long-awaited animated promotional trailer for Tales of Arise by ufotable is now released, and it's gorgeous!
The previously announced Tales of Arise trailer by ufotable has finally been released! Check it out below!
SPOILER WARNING! This trailer may contain a few spoilers about Tales of Arise, especially if you haven’t played the game.
This trailer was announced last December during the series' 15th anniversary live stream. A lot of people were misled from other news outlets that this is a new "animation" or "anime", but those were just mistranslation of news. This new "animated" trailer is no means a signal for an upcoming anime or anything - it was just commissioned specifically to promote the game.
In an interview with Tales Series producer Yusuke Tomizawa in an issue of Weekly Famitsu, the question regarding a possible anime was also addressed:
Famitsu: Are there any plans to make an anime for Arise?
Tomizawa: Arise is a work created to tell its story through the game, hence there are no plans at the moment to tell the story again in the form of an anime. For now, please do look forward to our upcoming new trailer showing scenes animate by ufotable.
You can read his full interview here.
Seeing as how gorgeous this trailer is, and how much better it looks compared to the in-game animated cutscenes, it would be wonderful to see Tales of Arise in anime form. What do you think?
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