Tales of Graces Site Update - Asbel and Sophie's Teaser Profiles Now Up

The Tales of Graces Official Site underwent a rather inconspicuous update today, but good thing LaZyEnErGeTiC noticed. They have already put up Asbel and SoPhie's... or rather, Sophie's profiles as a teaser, together with some better (but still low quality) official art.

Though this information has been already revealed before, let me just repost it for you guys:

asbelthumb+++ Asbel Lhant +++
CV: Takahiro Sakurai
Age: 18
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
"When I left home, I made a vow. I don't want to lose anyone anymore. For that, I'm going to become stronger."
»»» The eldest son of the feudal lord of the Lhant territory, located along the border of its country, the Frontier Kingdom of Windol and its neighboring country, Fendel. Born as the feudal lord's son, he has been raised to become the next lord by his father and his butler Frederick. Due to that certain incident however, he developed strong feelings to become a knight, so he admitted himself to a knights' academy in the capital. There, he spent the years dedicated to his training, and soon enough, he grew up into a diligent and polite young knight.

When he was young, he was a cheerful, straightforward and honest young boy. As he grew up however, he became the type who would hide his true passion and enthusiasm within himself. He often takes care of others, and can't leave them alone when in face of a problem.

sophiethumb+++ Sophie +++
CV: Kana Hanazawa
Age: Unknown (Looks around 13)
Height: 148cm
Weight: 39kg
"I will protect Asbel. I won't let it be like that time."
»»» Asbel happened to meet her in the middle of a battle during a dispute at the border between Lhant and Fendel, against Fendel's military. This girl who has an innocent atmosphere about her is actually quite used to combat, and was able to help Asbel in repelling Fendel's troops. She has lost her memory, though it isn't exactly a necessity to her unless it concerns interacting with other people. Asbel named her after a beautiful blooming flower, and he himself is quite affectionate about that flower in his memories.

Now... about "Sophie"... What exactly is her name's spelling? Is it really just "Sophie", or is it really "SoPhie"? Here's what I think: It really was spelled as "SoPhie" during the festival due to space constraints of their prepared presentation (the letter P was moved up). Probably, this is where the previously revealed magazines got their spelling from. Either that, OR the official site itself made a mistake (it's not uncommon, to be honest). We'll just have to wait and see until they actually update the site fully. In the meantime, I'll be referring to her as "Sophie" again.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.