Tales of Link and Brave Frontier Mobile Game Crossover Event Starts Today Until June 26

Starting today, players of both Tales of Link and Brave Frontier will be able to hop into a series of 10 collaborative in-game events that will run until June 26th.

Players from both game series will be able to earn awesome in-game items, meet legendary characters and face off against familiar monsters from the other game universe.

During the three week crossover event, Tales of Link and Brave Frontier players can unlock sets of rich prizes, including dozens of Hero Stones and powerful new five-star heroes. Character crossovers will also take place during the event, as Vargas, the most iconic character in Brave Frontier, will be making his debut in Tales of Link during one of the challenges.

Additionally, by fulfilling specific requirements in Tales of Link, players from Brave Frontier will be able to redeem a series of prizes, such as the Sphere Frog. Players from Tales of Link will be able to claim a reward pack, including UR Infernoblade Dandelga, by helping the summoners reach the collective clear-count of collaboration events in Brave Frontier.

The Tales of Link and Brave Frontier collaboration is happening now until June 26th, and players can participate for free by downloading Tales of Link at the App Store and Google Play, and by downloading Brave Frontier at theApp Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore and Windows Store.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.