The new Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition footage from the Tokyo Game Show 2018 captured by bahagamecrazy presents Nintendo Switch performance as well as English gameplay, introducing the newest party member - Patty Fleur.
As we await the official word from the company to confirm it, fans may find the voice familiar, as the actress lending voice of the young pirate is most likely Sandy Fox who voiced Mieu in Tales of the Abyss.
It is not yet confirmed by the company, but it looks like Yuri Lowell will be voiced by 2 actors. The new lines added to the Definitive Edition of the game are being rumored to be dubbed by a new voice actor - George Grant, who we could hear previously as Curtis in Tales of Legendia. Both Troy Baker and George Grant do sound similar, making the change between old and new lines barely noticeable for the ear.
Additionally, Nintendo Switch gameplay had been released showcasing the game's performance on the undocked console.
It's also been confirmed that the Nintendo Switch version will not require an additional download as suggested by a sticker on the first promotional graphics of the case.
Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on January 11th.
Preorders are now up at Bandai Namco store