Finally, Here's The Colored Prototype For The Tales of Destiny 1/7 Scale Leon Magnus Figure by RIBOSE
After like two years without a word, the elusive Tales of Destiny Leon figure is finally here! As a prototype, anyway.
After like two years without a word, the elusive Tales of Destiny Leon figure is finally here! As a prototype, anyway.
And here's Shionne's fourth scale figure!
Another new Shionne figure has been announced!
Here's our first look at Kotobukiya's upcoming Tales of Arise Dohalim figure!
A lovely 1/7 scale figure of Reala has just been revealed to celebrate Tales of Destiny 2's 20th anniversary!
Let's take a look at Kotobukiya's upcoming Alphen figure in full color.
Another Tales of Arise figure has been announced, this time showing off Shionne in one of her DLC costumes.
Shionne and Dohalim figures are coming, plus our first look at Alphen's previously announced figure!
Colored prototypes of the Luke and Asch figures announced back in July.
Kotobukiya's upcoming Sorey figure is now up for pre-order!
Kotobukiya has released a sneak peek at the colored prototype of Sorey's upcoming figure.
Announced in today's Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative, Kotobukiya has something special for the upcoming Tales of the Abyss 15th Anniversary.
Just shown during today's Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative live stream.
Velvet's lovely Alter figure comes with her Daemon arm!
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