Tales of Xillia 2: New Info On The Main Characters (Updated With LQ Scan)

The upcoming issue of Jump magazine will apparently have new info on Tales of Xillia 2's two main characters - Ludgar and Elle. As usual, Nore got his copy of the magazine early and has shared some info about the two.


Ludgar Will Kresnik (again, romanization is not yet official) is 20 years old and is a normal young man who's currently living with his older brother. He handles the housework and is a good cook.

Elle Mel Martha has a quote in the magazine that says she needs to go to the "Land of Canaan" where wishes are granted to help her father. She's a level-headed and lively little girl who went on a journey to head for Canaan. She hates tomatoes.

Lulu is Ludgar's pudgy yet active cat who doesn't shy away from strangers. Lulu might even be the boss of the neighboring cats (what).

In the game's reveal, they showed us that making choices is a major feature of the game. The magazine apparently gives a funny example of one of the choices Ludgar has to make for Elle about her hate for tomatoes (Thanks to Yume for the translation correction):

(Ah! Elle hates tomatoes!)
L1: "Don't be picky, they're tasty."
R1: "Got it. I won't put tomatoes in it, then."

We'll replace the scan with a higher quality one once it's available.

About a745 1738 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.