New Album by DEEN and... MORE Trademarked Tales of Names??

According to Rpgmonkey fro the Tales Forums, 3 more Tales names have been trademarked by Namdai. 

??2009-000951 ?????????????????????????????
(This was the same one they named as "Tales of Floweria" a while back, katakana-wise)
??2009-000952 ????????????????????????????????
??2009-000953 ?????????????????????????????

There was also an interview with Higuchi. Most important thing to note in the interview was him saying that the series isn't dedicated to just one console, and that the producer and the particular hardware are not closely attached at all.

Also, they updated the ToH Developer's Blog with info on DEEN's new album, "DEEN NEXT STAGE" which is set to be released today. It comes in a normal CD version and a DVD version, which is to have ToH's opening movie (both anime and CG versions), as well as a bunch of the PVs of DEEN's songs. The album will have a "Ballad Version" of "?????" (Eien no Ashita - Eternal Tomorrow), ToH's opening theme. DVD version is at 3,885? [Yen] (around $40), while the CD version is at 3,059? (around $32).

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.