New Album by DEEN and... MORE Trademarked Tales of Names??
According to Rpgmonkey fro the Tales Forums, 3 more Tales names have been trademarked by Namdai.
According to Rpgmonkey fro the Tales Forums, 3 more Tales names have been trademarked by Namdai.
Hey, we're back ^__^. Aka suddenly came back, and he's done with 17.
-Copy-pasted from AnimeSuki-
Since February 12, the new EX Attack mode event for Radiant Mythology 2 named "Valentine!" has begun, and said event will end on February 19, at 10:00 (a.m. I presume, Japan time).
It's the day of hearts once again ^__^/.
This month's special issue of Kinema Junpo (a Japanese film magazine) will announce a movie of Tales of Vesperia adapted by Kadokawa Pictures later this year.
Due to... uhm, I-don't-know-what, I found myself making two version 3's of AC. But now, I can't decide which to continue. So, I'd like everyone's opinion on the matter.
Download of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2's opening movie.
Well, it's been a good 6 months with TalesBrigade, and sadly, it has now come to a close. I myself had a lot of fun there, and I'm sure the rest of the members did [Read More...]
Rpgmonkey over at the Tales Forums posted over at the Tales Forums about three new trademarked names for the Tales of Series, which was originally posted in NeoGAF.
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