Tales of Graces f Release Date Revealed and Pre-order Bonus Items Detailed

The official Tales of Graces f site, together with other Japanese gaming websites around the web, has been updated with more detailed information, images and a video (view it here) about the pre-order bonuses for Tales of Graces f. The release date of the game has also been revealed. Expect the game to be available on December 2, 2010 for 8,379 Yen (roughly $100... Wow.)

ToG-f Dramatic DVD ToG-f bonuses
The bonus DVD is named "Dramatic DVD - I Want To Protect Download Contents-hen" (mamoritai download contents-hen) and will contain the usual special drama skit, a message from Asbel's voice actor Takahiro Sakurai and a compilation of the game's promotion videos.

theme1 theme2
Together with the DVD are download codes for Asbel's, Sophie's and Richard's Kyle Dunamis, Rutee Katrea and Judas (Tales of Destiny 2) game costumes and download codes for the ToG-f inspired PS3 custom themes (as mentioned here). The custom themes showcase the new Blast Caliber cut-ins of the main protagonists. Malik's and Cheria's cut-ins will be in a post after this one, so those who are wondering how Pascal's new cut-in will look like, here it is.

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posterAlong with all of these, there will also be three 25cmx25cm super sized jacket. The illustrations, drawn by Mutsumi Inomata, show Asbel, Sophie and Richard in their Tales of Destiny/Destiny 2 costumes. The image on the left is a promotional poster for the game featuring a new group illustration. This image will most likely be the one to be used for the game's box art.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.