Tales of Versus for the PSP... Happy April Fool's To You Too, Namdai, or is it?

Due to what happened last year, I would like everyone to treat this either as a joke, or as a rumor until we actually get official news on this >_>.


The Tales Channel was momentarily updated with info about an upcoming title called Tales of VS for the PlayStation Portable, with J band Girl Next Door doing the theme song. Said band is supposedly to come to the Tales Festival this June.

An interesting bit, said update had the date of April 6th. Thanks to cutepresea for the heads up on this interesting little update.

Happy April Fool's to you too, NamdaiWe ? you.

... EDIT: Oh guys, look: http://to-vs.namco-ch.net/ <-- it says "Under Construction" O___o

... Maybe it wasn't an April Fool's joke...? wacko.gif

And happy April Fool's guys ^_^. Don't hate me for this! -runs-... Wilhelm made me do it!! -runsagain-

About a745 1741 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.