Tales of Crestoria has announced that the next Premium Summons will feature SSR memoria stones with carnival-themed art for Velvet and Zelos! The memoria stones are named "Velvet [The Showstopper]" and "Zelos [Love's Fool]." Like other summons, a 10x summon (costing 2,500 gleamstones) will guarantee at least one SR memoria stone. If you receive either of these memoria stones from the summons, the featured character will also join your team as a playable character and their themed outfit will be added to the Character Room. Both Velvet and Zelos already have SSR characters and memoria stones in their standard game outfits, but these are their first ones with special outfits.
The new Velvet memoria stone has a maximum HP of 11,500, a max ATK of 1,400, and max DEF of 950. Her maxed out memoria skill is Weakness VI (Fire), which provides +56% reduction of enemy break gauge to all fire allies. Velvet herself has a maximum HP of 21,000, max ATK of 3,300, and max DEF of 3,000 at level 100 when fully awakened. Her awakened character skill is called "Doing the Dove Trick" and provides a 15% DEF buff to fire allies as well as 10% ATK to martial-arts-type allies at 20 hits. Her artes are Defiant Conviction (140% ATK, 9 hits, 1 enemy) and Nightmare Claw (170% ATK, 13 hits, 1 enemy). Her mystic arte is Magic Doves (150% ATK, 8 hits, all enemies). The art for both the character and memoria stone features Velvet in a magician costume just like her Magical Menagerie costume from Tales of Berseria's DLC.
The "Zelos [Love's Fool]" memoria stone has a maximum HP of 13,500, a max ATK of 850, and max DEF of 1,300. His maxed out memoria skill is Gift of Nature VI (Dark), which restores 10% of all dark allies' HP every turn. Zelos himself has a maximum HP of 30,000, max ATK of 2,550, and max DEF of 2,800 at level 100 when fully awakened. His awakened character skill is called "Balloon Artistry" and provides a +6% increase to the max HP to dark allies and a 5% chance for dark allies' artes cooldown to reset after each arte's use. His artes are First Aid (restore 40% HP to one ally) and Light Spear Cannon (180% ATK, 10 hits, 1 enemy). His mystic arte is Love Balloon (restore 30% HP to all allies, increase ATK of all allies by 30% for 3 turns). Zelos's art for both the character and memoria stone shows him dressed in jester attire with an adorable Corrine balloon animal.
There are also several magician-themed attachments available through various missions during the month of October. For the magician attachments collection, Tales of Crestoria has added doves, a silk magician's hat, and a playing card brooch (featuring a Joker card with Magilou's face). This Summon will run for two weeks from Friday, October 30th, at 3:00am EDT to Monday, November 16th, at 1:59am EDT. The attachment missions are available at the same time, but run until Monday, November 30th, at 1:59am EST. Good luck!