Listen To More of Tales of Xillia's Opening "progress" by Ayumi Hamasaki

A somewhat longer version of "progress", Tales of Xillia's opening theme by Ayumi Hamasaki, was said to have aired in Akihabara, Japan a few days ago. The file is from a friend of truehappiness, a member of the Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai Forums. Listen to it below:

You can download the mp3 file from here.

The audio is a recording of when it was airing in Akihabara, so quality isn't at its best. It doesn't have the instrumental part in the beginning because it wasn't recorded, but it's part of the song, still. Also, we won't be uploading it to YouTube due to possible copyright warnings (that said, the song may not be online for so long, so I suggest people try to get it off of YouTube as early as possible...).

Misa-chan, another member of the AHS Forum was able to attend Ayumi Hamasaki's ~power of music~ 2011 A tour. Progress was also sung live in the Yoyogi part of the tour just this weekend. Misa-chan describes progress as such:

"It started out really slowly, with just bare minimal instrumentation and just her voice, for the first verse and chorus. After that, it switched to the pop version that is in the Tales of CM. The instrumental bridge is really cool, but it sounds super similar to the bridge of another ayu song, but I can't put my finger on it exactly. The ending sounds like the Tales of CM again. It was a typical ayu song style, but it was awesome!"

And for that, here's the actual full version. Again, low quality:

Download it here. Warning though, the file is in lower quality than the partial one.

And here's another full one, recorded outside of Yoyogi. Slightly better quality, but a bit noisy nonetheless:

Download here.

Info courtesy of Hatta Gunawan via e-mail.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.