RUMOR: Tales of Vesperia Making Its Way to the Nintendo Wii? (UPDATED)

EDIT (Nov 9, 2009): Today, Rikiya-san has edited his blogpost that had caused all the rumors, adding this line to the end of the earlier paragraph:


Which translates to: "When I mentioned being on sale for the Wii, I meant Tales of Graces, and not Tales of Vesperia! I truly apologize to everyone for the misunderstanding!!!!" (09.11.09)

So there we have it, false alarm =.

(Nov. 6, 2009) Rumors about Tales of Vesperia making its way to the Nintendo Wii have been floating around for a little while now. The source of this is the personal blog of Rikiya KoyamaDuke Pantarei's voice actor. In his recent blog post, this particular paragraph started the rumor:


Which is translated into:
"Tales of Vesperia is for the Xbox (360), and then for the PS3, and now, it's coming to the Wii. Right, even a theater anime has been shown to the public (b-but I don't appear in it?), and the drama CDs have also been successively released!! I did a lot of recordings for the Volume 6 drama CD!! This time, I get a lot of turns in it!! Once it's on sale, I'll notify you guys again!!"

A lot of us, including myself, believe that he was just referring to Tales of Graces, seeing as it's the most recent Tales game coming out for the Wii. But throughout the whole paragraph, he was discussing Tales of Vesperia (and its drama CD). You would at least believe that he was referring to Vesperia when he mentioned the Wii. For now, we'll classify this as a rumor... or a misunderstanding.

About a745 1743 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.