Tales of Graces Wii Bundle and Pre-order DVD Packaging + New Screenshots

Amazon Japan has been updated today with images of the Tales of Graces Special Bag Wii bundle and the cover of the special DVD pre-order bonus.

Tales of Graces Wii Bundle Dramatic DVD ~You Want to Be an Adult?~ Package Dramatic DVD ~You Want to Be an Adult?~ DVD
The Wii bundle packaging will feature a lovely Tales of Graces group artwork by Mutsumi Inomata. The bundle includes the game, the Wii console (white) and a Classic Controller Pro.

The special DVD pre-order bonus, now officially titled "Dramatic DVD ~You Want to Be an Adult?~" (???????????, ~otona ni naritai? hen~) features the status arts of Asbel, Sophie, Cheria and Hubert for the packaging and a floral pattern for the DVD itself. No news yet on the DVD's contents. According to Amazon JP, pre-ordering the Wii bundle will also get you the Dramatic DVD (and the Vesperia costume code, and possibly the ToG-themed postcard too).

Ten New ToG Screenshots4Gamer has also updated with a new article regarding the game's Groovy Chat and Critical Gauge systems. TheCritical Gauge is the blue-colored gauge found below the HP gauge of the controlled character in battle. Successfully attacking your enemies and successfully evading their attacks will fill up the gauge. Getting hit by enemies will decrease it. Once the said gauge is full, the upper limit (max number) of your CC points will increase by 1 and you will be able to deal critical hits. Once the gauge is empty, however, your CC upper limit will decrease by 1 point and enemies will be able to deal critical hits at you.

About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.