Tales of Berseria Battle Field Glitch Found in PS4 Demo

Hopefully has been fixed in the final game

Funimation has revealed their list of voice actors for the English dub of Tales of Zestiria the X, which will premiere on August 3, 2016, 8:30PM Eastern Time via Funimation's Funimation Now service.

The following is the list of voice actors for Tales of Zestiria the X, headed by voice directors Tyler Walker and Christian LaMonte:

  • Sorey - Robbie Daymond
  • Mikleo - Philip Lamont
  • Alisha - Alexis Tipton
  • Rose - Caitlin Glass
  • Zaveid - Ian Sinclair
  • Dezel - Chris Niosi
  • Symonne - Christine Marie Cabanos
  • Bartlow - T. Alexrod
  • Lailah - Carrie Keranen
  • Edna - Kira Buckland
  • Lunarre - Austin Tindle

From the list, I did a quick check and it seems all the previous Tales of Zestiria English cast are reprising their roles, with the exception of Mikleo, who was voiced my Michael Johnston in the game. I can't speak for the voice actors of Bartlow and Lunarre though, as their game voice actors weren't made public. I heard Lunarre in the game was voiced by Ben Diskin, but I couldn't find a concrete source apart from fans saying he sounds like Ben Diskin.

Funimation's article is a bit misleading since, quoting them, "many of the original voice actors from the game will be reprising their roles for the English Broadcast Dub," meaning not all of them will reprise their roles, but majority will. However, immediately after the line above, they mention this: "Wanna know who’s coming back for the anime version? Check out the list below!" which, if I understand correctly, means that all those listed in their full list are from the game. I'm not entirely sure what they mean at this point. *shrugs*

A quick Google search on "Philip Lamont" will not lead you to any voice actor. Fans are currently speculating that Philip Lamont may just be an alias that Michael Johnston is currently using for this project, as "Philip Lamont" is a character from upcoming movie The Exorcist. As to why they arrived at that conclusion, I'm not entirely sure.

So, it's either Michael Johnston or it's not Michael Johnston, but actually someone named Philip Lamont. Maybe we'll find out once episode #01 (2nd episode) reels in.

Anyway, the first English dubbed episode will premiere on August 3, 2016, 8:30PM Eastern Time via Funimation's Funimation Now service for those in the US.

Tales of Zestiria the X
Tales of Zestiria the XThe Tales of Zestiria the X anime (read as “the Cross”) is a TV series adaptation of Tales of Zestiria that was first announced during Tales of Festival 2015 as the “Tales of 20th Anniversary Animation”. The animation is done by ufotable. The first season aired during Summer 2016, with a second season confirmed for 2017. Its tagline is “The Journeys of the Shepherd go beyond Zestiria,” and shows hints of connections with Tales of Berseria

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A glitch on the battle field in the Tales of Berseria demo has been reported by a few people.

The glitch happens during the Battle Mode of the recently released Tales of Berseria demo for the PlayStation 4.

As seen above, in the Battle Mode of the demo, which takes place in the area called Beild, activating battle encounters in a certain part of the field makes the party characters spawn on a cliff edge or part of the land separate from the main area of the battle field that is bound by the battle field border indicator. What happens is that the characters become isolated within that little land and are unable to move toward the enemy, found in the land area beyond the cliff, for melee attacks. They can still, however, attack the enemies with long-distance spells.

Our followers on social media also have reported the same glitch happening to them.

Hopefully, this should have been fixed in the final version of the game. Just to inform everyone, the demo currently out on the Japanese PlayStation Store is apparently the same demo they had out for attendants of E3 2016, so it may be a bit old.

Tales of Berseria
Tales of BerseriaTales of Berseria is the latest mothership title of the Tales of Series which was first announced during Tales of Festival 2015. The game was released for both the PS3 and PS4 on August 18, 2016 in Japan, January 24, 2017 in North America and January 27, 2017 in Europe for the PS4 and PC. The game features a female protagonist named Velvet and a theme of pirates and ships. It’s also confirmed as a distant prequel to Tales of Zestiria.

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About a745 1740 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.