Tales of Series Character Designer Mutsumi Inomata Has Passed Away
In saddening news, Mutsumi Inomata, one of the Tales of Series' major character designers, has passed away at the age of 63, as announced on her official X account.
In saddening news, Mutsumi Inomata, one of the Tales of Series' major character designers, has passed away at the age of 63, as announced on her official X account.
Teased during the PV earlier this month, Tales of The Rays is currently running a Xenosaga collab! Read on to find out how to add KOS-MOS to your party.
Remember that favorite Tales MC post I made back in January? Net Lab has made another Tales related survey for fans to vote; the topic this time is favorite Tales games. The poll ran from [Read More...]
Recently, a Japanese website called NetLab was hosting a fan survey. They were asking Japanese Tales fans to vote for their favorite Tales protagonists. The poll went on from January 21, 2023 to January 28, [Read More...]
Let's see which games topped the list in this recent poll from Netlab Japan.
Today is a joyous day!
Tales of The Rays is hosting a new Rays of Festival event, with new Mirrage Artes for iconic pairs of family members and a new voting event. Naturally we have videos of the new Artes, [Read More...]
The hit mobile RPG Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time And Space will permanently get Tales content when it updates to version 2.5.400! There's a lot more to this crossover than just Tales characters appearing, [Read More...]
Let's listen to more music next month!
Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative graced us with news for Tales of The Rays, and not long after we got July's PV and a new Producer's Letter, so let's take a deep dive into what's [Read More...]
We here from Abyssal Chronicles would like to greet everyone a Happy Holidays! Step right in for a little giveaway! Winners have been posted!
European branches of Amazon have opened pre-orders for what seems to be a compilation pack that includes the full games of Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Berseria and Tales of Zestiria for the PlayStation 4.
Velvet's lovely Alter figure comes with her Daemon arm!
In this special episode of AC radio, we are joined by the English voice actress of Eleanor Hume from Tales of Berseria, Erica Mendez!
On Twitter, the online Japanese merchandise shop AmiAmi posted images of the Velvet Crowe figure in full color. The images shown are from the "Mega Hobby Expo" that was held in autumn of 2018.
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