All news about the Tales of Series.

New Tales of the World: RM2 Scans!

September 17, 2008 a745

Two new scans of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 from GamerKyo reveal new playable characters, a new character, plus two of the four new job classes (Dual Sword class and Monk class).

New DotNW English Vids

September 12, 2008 Picup

Thanks to Nyanto for letting me know that theres are new videos of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

IGN Just Reviewed Vesperia

August 22, 2008 a745

A review from IGN has just been posted here. They gave Presentation an 8/10, Graphics a 7.5/10, Sound a 9/10, Gameplay an 8.5/10, and Lasting Appeal an 8.5/10. Overall, they gave the game an 8.2/10.

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