Tales of The Rays - Villainess Summer Event "Seaside Mirage" rolls in! + Version 3.12.0 details
Yes, you read that right. This summer event is villains only!
Yes, you read that right. This summer event is villains only!
“You wanna own your sin, or you wanna let it own you?” Hello! This is Grace, or Ecargmura on Discord and Twitter, and I am here to bring you a review of [Read More...]
The latest event just started in Tales of The Rays, but it's nothing like any previous event. There's a big schedule and a lot to cover, so read on!
Hey everyone, PanbanRichard here. I'm looking for people to join together and sing some opening themes in my current community project: Tales OP Chorus Medley - The Lost Tracks.
Looks like this year's Tales of Orchestra Concert is still happening.
Activate your games, guys, because Tales of Crestoria is now live!
We hope you're as excited as we are, but you can now install Tales of Crestoria. You can't play yet though.
Tales of Crestoria is entering its final stages of preparation.
It's been 10 years since Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X was released in Japan, so Tales of The Rays is putting out a special event to celebrate!
Short but sweet, I guess?
Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative graced us with news for Tales of The Rays, and not long after we got July's PV and a new Producer's Letter, so let's take a deep dive into what's [Read More...]
Announced in today's Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative, Kotobukiya has something special for the upcoming Tales of the Abyss 15th Anniversary.
Just shown during today's Tales of Festival 2020 Alternative live stream.
Starting today, Tales Channel Plus, Japan's official Tales of Series portal site, is now sporting a new look.
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe posted a short video, celebrating the Tales of Series’ 25th anniversary.
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