We're kind of late to the party, but early last week, a peculiar listing for what seemed to be a Tales of Xillia Remaster popped up in a bunch of European video game retailer websites.
With a week until Tales of Festival 2018, Gematsu discovered a placeholder URL entitled "http://tov10th.tales-ch.jp/" online, but it's password protected.
To commemorate the upcoming 22nd anniversary of the Tales of Series, Bandai Namco Japan will be holding a special program with (hopefully) new information!
Smartphone game pre-registration platform Prelaunch.me has apparently leaked the upcoming English release of Tales of Link, along with a pre-registration bonus.
Bandai Namco's Asia website had listed Tales of Zestiria for the PS4 and PC with October 2015 release dates, but have long since removed it at the time of posting.
Well, this is a surprise. Bandai Namco Asia's Facebook account just hinted that they might actually be commenting on certain Tales rumors at this coming Tales of Festival.