As a fan of the series, I felt that I wanted to express some recent feelings regarding the direction of its releases/localizations both past and present, along with what we as fans can do in [Read More...]
Food has been a part of Tales since the beginning. Of course, it's Tales, so "food" has taken almost as many forms as there have been games to put it in. The rich history of everything that's been [Read More...]
Spend enough time around Tales nerds, especially the contrarian kind who like all the games that have never been (and probably will never be) translated from Japanese, and eventually someone will tell you you should play Tales [Read More...]
Initially published on July 29th, 2016 at (with slight modifications) The Mystic Arte is one of Tales of’s signature features in its battle system. Known as Hi-Ougis in Japanese, these skills were originally meant [Read More...]
AC's "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" is back! Now promptly renamed "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" and with a slightly new look! I know this is late, but it's technically still May in the West, so :P. In [Read More...]
AC's "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" is back! Now promptly renamed "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" and with a slightly new look! Sorry for the lateness on this one! I was waiting for the Jude figure to get [Read More...]
AC's "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" is back! Now promptly renamed "Tales of Merchandise Monthly" and with a slightly new look! I'm sorry for having to combine two months again. It's exam month this week so yeah. [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! As I mentioned before in our various social network updates, I had to combine this column into a December-January issue due to some circumstances. Again, I'm really sorry, but it's [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! In this month's issue, we focus on a little bit on Tales of Xillia 2, along with other merchandise related to the game. There's also a little snippet on [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! To those who missed our debut post six months ago, this new column of ours focuses on any upcoming Tales of Series related merchandise, as well as those that [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! In this month's issue, we focus on a bunch of upcoming Tales-related 2013 calendars, a new line of Tales of Friends straps and a bunch of Mieu merchandise!
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! To those who missed our debut post four months ago, this new column of ours focuses on any upcoming Tales of Series related merchandise, as well as those that [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! To those who missed our debut post three months ago, this new column of ours focuses on any upcoming Tales of Series related merchandise, as well as those that [Read More...]
AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" is back! To those who missed our debut post two months ago, this new column of ours focuses on any upcoming Tales of Series related merchandise, as well as those that [Read More...]
Welcome once again to AC's "Tales Merch Monthly" column! To those who missed last month's debut post, this new column of ours focuses on any upcoming Tales of Series related merchandise, as well as those that [Read More...]