Media Sections Temporarily Closed... Sort of :\

March 5, 2008 a745

So anyway, I know all of you have noticed that a bunch of the media in the site aren't working... It's either they are SendSpace/SaveFile links that have expired, or are MegaUpload links that are temporarily not working.

What's On With AC~

January 6, 2008 a745

So yeah, no updates in a while... Mainly because there aren't really any updates to begin with.

Tales of Innocence Update + Media Update

November 27, 2007 a745

The ToI Staff Voice has just been updated today. Apparently,  SoftBank Creative will be releasing a "Weekly Tales of Innocence" which will consist of three volumes to be released weekly. The release dates for volumes 1, 2, and [Read More...]

Media Updates

November 17, 2007 a745

Thanks to our supporter, Danette Sheron, we now have the the following songs for download (and in the Tales of JukeBox):

1 2